
10 Answers To This Age Old Question, Why Am I Still Single?

 Why Am I Still Single? 10 Answers To This Age Old Question
If you are single and wondering why? Ancient Chinese Secrets will help you find balance with love.
There are blogs and books and glossy magazines articles that do their best to shed some light on this painful question millions of single people across the globe ask themselves everyday.
How can there be 897 matches for me online within a 5 mile radius, and they all seem to be too short, too tall, act too much like a bad boy or are too nice and only want sex or never want sex?
These seem to be opposing forces holding you back in love, but in Chinese philosophy, they are seen as complimentary.
Do you remember Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid talking to Daniel? “Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don’t forget to breathe, very important.” Mr. Miyagi was teaching Daniel how to master things he did not yet understand.
The sun comes up every day. The moon rises high up every night. You have experienced fiery passion with a lover, and then seen the same person act colder than Vostok, Antarctica, on July 21, 1983. It got down to -129 Fahrenheit that day, and that is pretty darn cold. Why was she so frigid? I didn’t even know I did anything wrong!
Sometimes we just don’t understand what is going on in our lives and I wasn’t to shed a light on 10 conflicting ideas that are keeping you single…
1. You think about your ex too much.
You are obsessed. Your thoughts of clinging to the past are keeping you stuck. You are unavailable and not even close to being ready for another person. How could someone else compete with his perfection?
2. You never think about your exes, ever.
Looking at your past relationships are a way to figure out what went wrong back then. Every broken heart is an opportunity to make changes within yourself that will keep you from pushing love away the next time.
3. Your standards are too high.
No one can ever meet up to your expectations, because you are a um… narcissist. How could any other person on the planet be as perfect as you? Let go a little and don’t worry about if your hair, job, car and house are impeccable. You don’t have to comb your hair every time you go in the bathroom, your neighbor’s the Jones family could care less about what your hair looks like today.
4. Your standards aren’t high enough.
You are single because you are too busy dating every guy out there and you are all over the map. Speaking of maps, it’s a really good idea to make a love map of what you want in a partner. Have some preferences please.
5. You sleep with men too fast
You’re in a fancy restaurant and sitting in the guy’s lap before dinner is even over. This kind of behavior reeks of desperation and any man will know your self-esteem is down the tubes.
6. You don’t sleep with men fast enough.
It’s been three years and he’s still waiting. If you’re waiting for marriage, get married already! Trust yourself and don’t live in the fear bubble.
7. You give too much of yourself.
You hang on every word; text message and you follow your girlfriend if she leaves the room to brush her teeth. Your world revolves around your partner and you don’t have a life. Go hiking with your friends and give the girl some breathing room.
8. You don’t give enough of yourself.
You are obsessed with work and don’t make enough time for a date because you have 3 acres to mow every the weekend. It’s time to pay the teenager next door to mow your yard. Your love life is suffering because you give your girlfriend zero time.
9. You are too negative.
Everything that comes out of your mouth is a complaint. Especially when it comes to talking about your boyfriend. Look at the good aspects in your life and start appreciating anything.
You are breathing right? Breathe in, breathe out. If you can’t get your mind away from negativity, meditate and focus on your breath. It really works, and it does take practice.
10. You are too positive.
Your boyfriend is 3 hours late again and when he honks the horn for you to come outside, you skip your way to the car and plant a big kiss on his face because you feel lucky that he even showed up this time. He treats you like a doormat and you gladly accept his behavior. You need some guidelines of how you want to be treated.
10 Answers To This Age Old Question, Why Am I Still Single? 10 Answers To This Age Old Question, Why Am I Still Single? Reviewed by Admin on November 18, 2014 Rating: 5

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